
How the Gardening Industrial Complex sets the Home Gardener up for Failure

Modern Landscaping Culture is a Rigged Game In modern landscaping, especially in the city, the cuttings, clippings and garden debris is removed from the garden, preventing the natural course of plant material from one season's stalks, leaves and flowers to break down and recycle ...

Why Do We Mulch Gardens?

After working in hundreds of gardens throughout New England, over the past 10 years, I have had the expansive opportunity to witness how different products, when applied to the New England Garden, affect the vitality of the designed ecosystem. As a trained biologist with a background ...

What is the Difference Between Landscaping and Gardening?

It is a valid question despite it seeming simple to answer. But perhaps it is not such a simple question. According to Merriam-Webster, the verb to landscape means to modify or ornament by altering the plant cover of a natural landscape. Gardening, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is an activity ...

What do you call someone who specializes in Gardening?

There are a few terms. A horticulturist or a Master Gardener would be the academic equivalents of specialization in Gardening. They tend to be passionate plant, soil, fungus, biology science nerds, of which I feel is part of my Specialized Gardener Identity. I was once The Specialization ...

How do I find a local Gardner/Landscape Company?

There are so many options and lots of ways to find a local gardener or landscaping company. Google searches will produce the companies that have either paid Google to be seen or have enough credibility within the Google Algorithmic requirements that they make it into the search results. ...

What does it cost to upkeep a garden?

Another great question! It really depends on the size of the garden and what is involved in the design. Perfect lawns are by far the most expensive aspect to most landscape/garden designs. A garden reverting to weeds and invasive plants, with overgrown shrubs and poison ivy, is the most ...